
October 04, 2010


برای تمام چالشهای کمپاین در افغانستان ، کاندیدان برای انتخابات ولسی جرګه پارلمان میتوان اسایش و واقعیت را درک نمایند که کسب و بردن کرسی بعضی اوقات میتوان نیاز با کسب یک فیصد رای کمتر از ولایت متذکره شان ، باشد.

September 30, 2010

نتایج انتخابات ولسی جرګه سال ۲۰۰۵


September 10, 2010

(Greg is our political expert, and here offers a contrarian view of the election based on meetings with candidates. Update: See also a new video in our Multimedia section in which Greg discusses the pros and cons of the single non-transferable vote system.)

September 08, 2010

As we've noted before in previous analysis, one effect of the Single-Non Transferable Vote system, used in all of Afghanistan's parliamentary elections to date, is that candidates often win with very small shares of the vote in their respective provinces, since voters only receive one ballot for a multi-member constituency and coordinated party voting is very difficult.

September 02, 2010

For all the challenges of campaigning in Afghanistan, candidates in the upcoming elections for the Wolesi Jirga lower house of parliament can take comfort in the fact that winning a seat can sometimes be a matter of securing less than one percent of the vote in their province.

Afghanistan operates under the Single Non-Transferrable Vote (SNTV) system, first chosen by President Hamid Karzai for the founding elections for the Wolesi Jirga in 2005. SNTV is used elsewhere in Jordan, Vanuatu and the upper houses of Indonesia and Thailand.

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