Democracy International Calls for Increased Security for Campaigning

Today Democracy International issued a Press Statement addressing the recent violence reported against parliamentary candidates around Afghanistan. See the full text below or download the PDF here:
Democracy International condemns the recent deadly attacks against parliamentary candidates and their supporters in Afghanistan and calls on the security forces of Afghanistan to direct more resources to the protection of candidates and their supporters.
At this critical juncture of the country’s political development there can be no greater security task than providing a safe environment in which to hold this election. This government should take the opportunity to show that it has the ability to protect candidates and their supporters from enemies of a democratic Afghanistan.
On September 18, 2010 more than 2,500 candidates will contest 249 seats in the lower house of the Afghan parliament, the Wolesi Jirga. Democracy International will deploy international observers throughout Afghanistan in support of this election process.
At least three candidates and five campaign workers have been killed in this year’s election campaign, according to media reports.
U.S. based Democracy International, Inc. (DI) provides analytical services, offers technical assistance, and implements democracy and governance projects worldwide for USAID and other development partners. DI offers expertise across the full range of democracy and governance programming. DI conducted international observation missions to Afghanistan’s 2009 election as well as Pakistan’s 2008 elections. Over the past decade, Democracy International has worked in more than 40 countries and in all regions of the world. Since 1985, DI’s principals have advised and worked with election management bodies, civil society and election-monitoring organizations, political parties, legislatures, government agencies, and others in more than 70 countries. For updated information on DI’s 2010 Election Observation Mission to Afghanistan join our mailing list by emailing [email protected] and follow DI’s twitter feed: DI_Kabul.
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