
September 13, 2010

In today's local news: candidate's son shoots at rival; claims of posters being torn down in Nangarhar; IEC worried about fake voter cards; Ghazni residents too scared to vote; celebrations in Herat over Quran-burning plan scrapped; rockets hit Jalalabad. 

September 13, 2010

KABUL, Sept 13 - NATO has acknowledged it may have caused civilian casualties – including election campaign workers – in an airstrike this month. But the military alliance says it is convinced that killed in the strike was a known insurgent leader.

September 11, 2010

This dataset, attached as a downloadable spreadsheet file below and also viewable in national overview and by province, analyzes the registered candidates contesting Afghanistan's 2010 elections for the lower house of parliament, the Wolesi Jirga.

September 11, 2010

To provide a bit more insight into the candidates for Afghanistan's lower house of parliament election--now only a week away--we've added more resources to the site.

We've updated the translated lists of candidates in our Resources section with a detailed analysis of candidates' party affiliations, gender, and percentage of candidates contesting each available seat in a province.