ECC Disqualifies More Candidates

KABUL, Oct 28 -- The Electoral Complaints Commission on Thursday annulled 36 more polling stations and disqualified two successful candidates in the preliminary results for Sar-i-Pul and Baghlan provinces because, the ECC said, they failed to resign their positions in the Defense Ministry.
The polling stations are in Ghor, Herat, Zabul, Kabul, Kunduz, Khost and Uruzgan provinces. All were closed on the grounds of serious electoral offences, the ECC said.
The disqualified candidates are:
- Alhaj Muhammad Rahim Ayubi (#14 in Sar-e-Pul) and
- Major General Sayed Hasam-ud-Din Haq Been (#49 in Baghlan)
Both work for the defense ministry.
So far, the ECC said, it had received 5,971 complaints; 2,500 of these complaints are identified as A type complaints and 70% of these complaints have already been adjudicated by the ECC.
Anyone affected by these invalidations has three days in which to appeal.
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