Ghor Candidates Press Conference, Oct 3

Here are our notes from the Ghor Province demurrer Candidates press Conference at the Setara Hotel, Kabul on 03 Oct, 2010 – 11:00 am. These notes are rough, and should not be relied upon as source material. DI presents them as is.
Najab Ali Danish one of the demurrer candidates told the press conference there were 20-22 candidates of Ghor Province, who believe that Wolesi Jirga elections were conducted with widespread fraud and many irregularities.
The candidates have filed their complaints at the Provincial Electoral Complaints Commission (PECC) and was now in Kabul to express their concern with the IEC, ECC, other electoral institutions and media.
Candidate Ms. Marzia Rahemi listed what she said were the major types of fraud that occurred on Election Day in Ghor:
- Interference and influence of the warlords in the process of election
- Interference and campaigning of Governmental Officials in favor of a particular candidate.
- Working of FEFA observers for a particular candidate on E-day.
- Operating of the IEC’s District Field Coordinators, Provincial Election Officers and polling center Chairpersons in favor of some particular candidates.
- Ballot stuffing in private houses for some warlord candidates.
She called on the IEC to re-conduct the Wolesi Jirga elections in Ghor province; if not, she said, it would not be acceptable to the candidates filing the complaints and to the people of Ghor .
Other candidates spoke at the press conference. Candidates or agents of candidates who were present at this press conference were as follows, according to Najab Ali Danish.
1. Sayed Baqir Sajad/Candidate
2. Feroz Kohi/Candidate
3. Marzia Rahimi/Candidate
4. Jamila Imami Ghori/Candidate
5. Dr. Hewad/Candidate
6. Dr. Ewaz Ali/Agent of Dr. Akhlaqi
7. Hajji Noor Ali/Candidate
8. Hajji Mohammad/Candidate
9. Mawlawi Imami Ghori/MP, Candidate
10. Basir Khan/Agent
11. Mir Satar/Candidate
12. Bibi Hajji Maryam/Agent
13. Najab Ali Danish/Candidate
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