IEC Press Conference Notes, Oct 3

Here are our notes from today’s IEC press conference. These notes are rough, and should not be relied upon as source material. DI presents them as is.
IEC chairperson Fazl Ahmad Manawi told the press conference that the IEC leadership is working hard at scrutinizing and evaluating election results. The IEC would was committed to a transparent process in identifying fraudulent votes.
The IEC has forwarded the name of one IEC provincial chief to the security forces for his alleged involvement in election fraud. The IEC has asked the security forces to prevent official from running away. The name and identity of the official the province in which he was working has not been released for the time being.
Mr. Manawi stated that today the IEC has annulled the votes of 11 polling centers. This brings the total number of polling centers whose votes have been annulled to 141.
Ballot boxes from another 63 polling centers have been audited and sent for recount.
Today the IEC has officially filed complaints against 7 candidates with the ECC for apparent attempts of election fraud. Earlier the IEC had made complaints against 38 other candidates. This brings the total number of candidates against whom the IEC has filed complaints to about 45.
Moreover, the IEC chief announced that the IEC is going to post partial election results for 12 provinces--Badakhshan, Baghlan, Kapisa, Khost, Kunar, Laghman, Nangarhar, Parwan, Takhar, Qunduz, Samangan and Badghis--on its website. The IEC would also post partial election results for the province of Herat tonight.
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